
  • The copyright of the materials on this website, including text, images, audio sources, images and various types of content, belongs to The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong or the company/institution that authorizes the use of materials by this institution, without the permission of this institution or each authorized company/institution Authorization is not allowed to copy, publish, publish, disseminate or download any materials on the website. If there is any violation of copyright and other intellectual property laws, the person will bear all relevant legal responsibilities and related responsibilities. In addition, the agency shall not be liable for any loss or damage or legal proceedings caused by any use of the materials and information of this website, or by copying or publishing the information of this website.
  • The organization has tried its best to verify the source of the materials on this website, but still cannot ensure that these materials must not infringe the copyrights of others or other problems that may be caused. If anyone finds out about these situations, please contact info@sbhk.org.hk immediately. If the situation is true, the organization will delete all relevant information as soon as possible.
  • The organization attaches great importance to the protection of the privacy of service users. The information collected by the organization from the website, including: recording the user’s browsing and use of the services of the website, e-mail query content and other data are only used for internal analysis statistics and operation Purpose, important personal data and data that can identify personal identity in real time, will not be disclosed without the user’s consent. (Except for mandatory use in Hong Kong law).
  • The copyrights of all trademarks, texts, images, audio sources, images and various contents in the web pages of the linked organizations and companies are owned by the linked organizations and companies. Inquiries and contents related to the linked web pages For use, please contact the linked organizations and companies.
  • All publicity, transactions and other related matters of the linked organizations and company websites are not related to this organization, and this organization will not be responsible for any form of law and other forms of responsibility.
  • If any linked web organizations and companies do not want to provide links to their web pages, please inform us, we will remove the links as soon as possible within a reasonable time.
  • The organization reserves the right to delete all information and links on this website at any time without any notice.