Latest News - The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong

SBHK backs you up in a new school year!

If a friend around you is feeling unhappy and considering suicide, what should you do?Our peer hotline, “Here to Hear”, can help you!Call 2389 2227 or WhatsApp 5779 7356; we have online guardians available to guide you on supporting them so you can be there for your friend(s). Peer Hotline “Here to Hear”☎️ 2389 2227💬


2023 Annual Report Now Available

The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong 2023 Annual Report is now available with the theme of “Walking with You, Working with You” and is uploaded to our official website, summarizing the achievements of the organization’s projects and services in the past year. Although in terms of figures our services were back to normal in 2023, we


69th Emotional Support Volunteer Recruitment

The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong is now recruiting passionate citizens to join our volunteer team to provide immediate emotional relieve service to the people in needs through hotline, visits, face-to-face interviews, emails and online instant conversations. Recruitment Introduction and Application Form: DownloadApplication Deadline: 31st August 2024Enquiry No.: 2790 8844 (Ms. Ho or Ms. Cheng) Email: