Donation Methods
Donations are tax-deductible with official receipt. To save administration cost, an official receipt will be issued for donations of $100 or above.
Online Donation
Via PayPal with VISA / MasterCard / UnionPay / American Express / Discover Card.
For one-off donation, our system will immediate generate a donation receipt and email to your email directly after the transaction is completed.
Faster Payment System (FPS)
Transfer to FPS ID︰161049713 or scan the QR Code, if you need the donation receipt, please take a screenshot of the successful transaction with your name, telephone number and address, and email to us at

Scan the QR Code for transaction, if you need the donation receipt, please take a screenshot of the successful transaction with your name, telephone number and address, and email us at

Alipay Hong Kong
Scan the QR Code for transaction, if you need the donation receipt, please take a screenshot of the successful transaction with your name, telephone number and address, and email us at

Use Paypal application to scan the QR Code for transaction, if you need the donation receipt, please take a screenshot of the successful transaction with your name, telephone number and address, and email us at

Convenience Store 7-11
You can donate at any stores by presenting the barcode. Please complete the donation form together with the donation receipt issued by mail to Unit 1, BLK B, 3/F, Shui Tin House, Pak Tin Estate, Kowloon.

Convenience Store Circle K
You can donate at any stores by presenting the barcode. Please complete the donation form together with the donation receipt issued by mail to Unit 1, BLK B, 3/F, Shui Tin House, Pak Tin Estate, Kowloon.

Please call PPS Hotline at 18031 and enter merchant code of our organisation at 9412. Daily donation upper limit per PPS account is HK$5,000.
If you need the donation receipt, please email the successful transaction information with your name, telephone number and address, and email to us at

Direct Bank In
Bank Name: Bank of China
Account No.: 012-758-100-14680
If you need the donation receipt, please email the successful transaction information with your name, telephone number and address, and email to us at
Auto Transfer (Monthly Donation only)
Please complete the Direct Debit Authorisation Form and email to us at
Credit Card (suitable for both One-off / Monthly Donation)
Direct donate online or complete the Donation Form and email to us at
– Online Donation: Via PayPal with VISA / MasterCard / UnionPay / American Express / Discover Card
– Donation Form: Via VISA / MasterCard
Payable to “The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong” , and post to us with your name, telephone number, address and email at “The Samaritans Befrienders Hong Kong Freepost No.514 CSW” (no stamp required if posted in HK).
Coin Dragon (coin deposit machines)
You could find us on the Coin Dragon kiosk beneficiary list and donate coins to The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong.
Kiosks location:

For more information, please contact us on 2319 2688 or email to